
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Talkin' Turkey

I'm going to pretend that it's almost time for Thanksgiving break, and not he middle of December. I took lots of pictures of the fun craftivities that we did in November, but never got around to posting them. So, here they are. Happy Turkey Day! (Just a little late...)

This is a recycled bulletin board from last year. The hedgehog was so cute I just had to bring him out again, This year our turkeys in disguise flew in with our painted fall leaves once the pumpkins rolled away. The turkeys are a family project ~ I love to see their creativity!

Directed draw turkeys.  I love how the turkeys are drawn according to explicit directions, but turn out so different! Kid artwork is the best!

Math craftivity ~ first we "baked" some paper plate pumpkin pies using torn paper & cotton balls. I had to help them cut a slice (it was a bit too thick for our kindergarten scissors to cut). Once the kids had their slice of pie they stuck it onto our graph. I was surprised that so many kids lie pumpkin pie.

This is an oldy-moldy craft from an old book I've had forever. The kids don't mind that the book was published back in the 1980s ~ they are just happy to be able to use glitter!

Super simple scarecrow craft looks special because it has real ribbon & glitter leaf stickers.

Another paper plate craft. This time the kids painted the plates to make tails. (We did this craft on Veterans' Day, which served as an inspiration to the little guy who painted the flagish turkey tail.)

I hope you enjoyed our Thanksgiving crafts even if it is the middle of December.