
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Organization and Storage

I try - I really do! - to be organized. Here are a few pictures of my attempts at creating an organized classroom. If you have any ideas to share, please do! I would love to hear them.

I know - you've seen this picture before. But I love the way inexpensive dish tubs hold things. They are light weight and easy for Kinders to carry.
My side of the workroom. I share this workroom with one of my partners (our third partner is sadly down the hall and has her own work space.) Our Terrific Teaching Assistant uses the table and desks in the middle when working with students.
In a recent post I stated that I was at school until nearly 5:00 PM. I was organizing this corner. It's amazing how quickly stuff piles up. (Oops! I guess I didn't get everything - the green basket contains various parts and pieces. ...that's for another day.)
These file crates hold all of my file folder & envelope games as well as other things that will fit in a hanging file folder. I have them categorized by subject (Language and Math), then organized by skill.
My craft supply cabinet. One summer day I recruited my college aged daughter to make the labels for each bin. As you can see, I removed some bins in order to fit large items like construction paper.
The space above the cubbies holds tons of stuff! Most of the lower cabinets house my read aloud collection. The high cabinets contain seasonal items.
 Ziploc bags and organizational mainstay in my classroom.


  1. I like all of your organization pictures. You have an amazing amount of classroom storage!
    Thanks for sharing and I am enjoying your blog!

    1. Thank you for following my blog! Yes, I am lucky to have lots of storage. The primary hallway is a recent addition to our school, and I think the builders finally hear our pleas for storage space!
