
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Leibster Award


Yay!  I've been nominated *twice* for an award!   

Thanks to Angie over at Making The Basics Fun and Linda at Kindergarten and Mooneyisms for the nominations!
The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It’s to show that new bloggers are appreciated and help spread the word about our little pieces of cyberspace.

Here are the rules:
1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post.
5. You cannot “tag back” the other blog, but leave a comment on this post with the URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you & see who you nominate.

Eleven Random Things About Me:

1.   I taught preschool for 12 years before joining my current elementary school.
2.   I love Mexican food - I could eat the salsa at my favorite restaurant with a spoon (who needs chips?).
3.   I am currently reading Reaper one of the five books my daughter, Emily Goodwin, has written.
4.   I  have four brothers, two sisters, 13 nieces & nephews, and 17 great nieces & nephews.
5.   I have 24 skirts, 40 cardigans, and over 30 pairs of shoes.
6.   I might be a bit of a shop-a-holic
7.   I went to Purdue University.  Boiler Up!
8.   I'm a "Gleek" - I never miss an episode of Glee.
9.   I recently watched a Christmas episode of The Brady Bunch.
10. I know how to sew and crochet and have entered things in our county fair.
11.  I do not like gardening - waaaay too much dirt!

Angie's Questions:

1.  Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
Mrs. Rositer (spelling??)  She was very kind and grandmotherly.
2.  If you could trade places with one person for a day who would it be?
Hmmm... Someone who can sing or dance.  I'd love to do either one *well* for a day.
3. What is your favorite condiment? 
4.  If you could yell anything from the mountain top what would it be?
My family ROCKS!
5. Share one of your blogging goals for the new year.
I would like to keep up with my posts & do a give away of one of the books my daughter wrote.
6.  What is a favorite educational app, youtube video or web resource?
I get tons of great ideas from Pinterest!
7.  Salt or sugar?  What do you crave?
Sugar - yum
8.  Favorite Holiday Tradition?
I LOVE Christmas!  We put up about 8 - 9 trees and lots of lights!
9.  Camp, Cruise or Road trip?  What kind of vacation would you pick?
I'd love to go on a road trip to somewhere warm.
10. What is your favorite classroom tool?
I use my Elmo all day long.  I also don't know what I'd do without my mushroom containers from Aldi.  They are the perfect size for doling out materials and corralling small objects.  (And, they are seen in many of my blog pictures!)
11.  Who would you like to say "Thank You" to?
My husband for his love and support, my beautiful daughters for their kindness and the beauty they have brought into my life, and to my wonderful Kindergarten teammates for the ideas, fun & laughter we share.

Linda's Questions:

1. Do you stay at school to work, or do you take the work home?
 Both... I like to get everything ready before leaving at the end of the day, but do bring home papers and planning to do at home in front of the TV with my Chihuahua Macie on my lap.
2. Pie or cake?
Cake for sure!
3. What is the best part about being a teacher?
Seeing the ah ha moments.  It is so gratifying to watch the little ones learn and grow.
4. What is the not-so-good part about being a teacher?
The RISE document
5. If you could have one wish for your classroom, what would it be?
I have a wonderful classroom in a newer addition to our school  It is far away from specials, so I guess I wish it was a little closer to things.
6. What 3 things do you want every child to know before they leave your classroom to advance to the next grade level?
I hope they have a strong desire to learn, are able to read all of our sight words & be able to use strategies to figure out many other words, and have a solid understanding of numbers to 20.
7. Do you play music in the classroom during the school day?
On the CD player.  We sing (and dance) everyday.
8. What do you do when the weather prohibits going outside for recess?
Students either play in the gym or cafeteria.
9. Do you have a special "tip" that you pass along to substitute teachers?
Jot down notes on how the day went.  
10. Classroom aide or no aide?
Each grade level has a shared aide.
11. If a college student asked you if they should pursue a teaching degree, what would you tell them?
Go for it!  I know teaching is hard - especially with all of the new competency requirements - but I don't like when I hear kids being told to pick something else.  I was thrilled when my oldest daughter went into teaching.  We are now both kindergarten teachers!  

The SUPER blogs I am nominating!  Be sure to visit them, and say Kinder Doodles sent you. 

Flights of Whimsy
Not Just a Teacher
Kindergarten Faith
Mrs. Perea's Kinder Eagles
Gracehopper Learning 
Coloring Outside the Lines
Mrs.Kazanjian's Kindergarten
Kindergarten Nightowls
Over the Moonbow
Mrs. Unger's Unbelievable Elementary Experiences
Learning Adventures

My questions for these lovely bloggers:

1.   Why did you go into education?
2.   Do you have a late-start PLC/Collaboration  day?
3.   What is your favorite subject to teach?
4.   What tip would you give a new teacher?
5.  What inspires you?
6.   What do you do to relax?
7.   What is your favorite thing to wear while teaching?
8.   Do you have a Pinterest board?
9.   What is your favorite way to use technology in your classroom?
10.  How many teachers are in your family?
11.  What is the first thing you do with your students (after attendance, etc.) each day?



  1. Great job!! Keep up the good work and save a little time for shopping those "After Christmas Sales". Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful 2013.
    Angie K
    Making The Basics Fun
