
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Five for Friday

I love fun linky parties where you get to post random stuff!  My head is frequently full of random stuff, so these linkies give me a perfect platform to share!  Thank you to Doodle Bugs for hosting this Five for Friday link up!


1. Last weekend two friends and I drove into Chicago to attend the Flower Show an navy Pier.  We had a great time looking at all the beautiful floral displays.  (It kinda made me wish I didn't hate gardening so much...)  I do love beautiful things, so there might be hope that my garden won't be a weedy mess this summer.  (Don't hold your breath!)  Anyway, this picture is from a table-scape that fused Alice in Wonderland & Breakfast at Tiffany's.  Doesn't Audrey look smashing as the Red Queen?

2.   I recently finished this book - and highly recommend it if you enjoy light, funny novels.  It's an older book (2005), but still relevant and enjoyable.  I normally don't read British authors (no offense to any British visitors), but I really like Sophie Kinsella (she also writes as Madeleine Wickham).  I have read almost every book she's written, and want more.  While reading Can You Keep a Secret as I walked on the treadmill at the gym I found myself laughing out loud several times.  I'm sure some of my fellows exercisers were wondering what was so funny. 
Product Details

3.  Buggy About Addition!  I am currently working on some Math activities for TpT to help my Kinders practice addition and subtraction.  Here is a freebie preview of my addition set.  Because I'm now on Spring Break *YAY!* I should be able to get them up soon.

4.  Out of the mouths of babes...  Recently two of my little girls said the cutest things:  During our Read to Self time another class was returning from recess.  Their heavy boots (yup, it wasn't that long ago that we had snow) were making noises that sounded really loud in our quietly reading room.  A tiny blond girl came up to me and asked if she could shut the door.  "I can't hear what I'm reading."  TOO CUTE!! Yesterday the high school student council had their annual Easter Egg Hunt for the Kinders.  I didn't tell my kids about it until shortly before the event, so you can just imagine their reactions.  One little girl could barely contain her excitement and exclaimed, "My heart is beeping really fast!"

5.  Mrs. Leeby is hosting a 400 Follower Giveaway.  Congratulations to her!  I know how exciting it is when a new follower pops up, and am anxiously awaiting the day when I reach 400 followers!  I like to check if my new followers have a blog, and follow-back.  If you follow me, and I'm not following your blog, please let me know!  Leave a comment below with a link to your blog, and I'll pop over and check it out!


  1. Found your blog from the Five for Friday link up! I love your cute quotes! My family looks forward every night to hearing the things that were said in done in my class each day! I'm pretty new to blogging. I'd love for you to check out my blog!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

    1. Sorry about how long it took to respond! I visited - and now follow yor blog!
