
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Products!

It's Summer Vacation, and what am I thinking about?  Yup, you guessed it, school!  I guess once a teacher, always a teacher.  Don't get me wrong, I have spent lots of time enjoying my break, but the teacher in me is always thinking of something schoolish.  It got pretty humid yesterday, so I sought the air conditioned comfort of my house and made some new sight word cards and focus wall headers.  Our new reading series has upped the number of required words, so I thought that I'd create some cute new word cards.  I also decided to make matching cards for my focus wall.  We are required to post what we are learning each week.  I don't think that actually posting standards makes sense for Kinders, so I have created a collection of "I Can" cards.  I tried to include those skills that I think will lend themselves to being posted on the focus wall.  Click on the links below the title pictures to go to my Teachers pay Teachers store, and get some cuteness for your classroom!

 PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway!