
Sunday, January 12, 2014

New & Improved Focus Wall

Over Christmas break I decided to spend a little time revamping my focus wall. I wanted to make it even more interactive than it was before, plus I decided that the calendar really didn't need to be in the center section.  What helped me to realize this was the fact that I have a visually impaired student in my class who usually isn't in my room during calendar time.  Given the fact that he doesn't usually participate in our calendar activities and the fact that the calendar activities aren't the most important things hanging on the wall, it made sense to put the things we refer to throughout the day in the middle section.  Not only will my new configuration help my little V. I. guy, but everyone will get a better view of the "What are We Learning this Week?" materials.

Here are some pictures of the progression of my focus wall.

My 2011 - 2012 bulletin board.  Lots of space was taken up by pocket charts with kids' names ~ centers, stations, etc.  It looks pretty messy ~ I only had one section covered with fabric!

  2012 - 2013 Focus Wall.  It looks so much better with all the panels covered in matching fabric!  I like to cover my bulletin boards with fabric.  It lasts so much longer than paper, plus the holes don't show!  I have all of my bulletin boards covered with blue fabric because blue is a pretty good neutral ~ just about everything looks good against a sky-blue background!

2013 - 2014 Focus Wall.  This is pretty much how my bulletin board started out this school year.  I actually had moved the pocket charts on the left panel to a smaller bulletin board before the first day of school and hung some Daily 5 posters there.  I guess I didn't take a picture after I moved them.

My new & improved Focus Wall!  As you can see, I moved the calendar to the right panel and put the important skills stuff in the middle.  I was also able to hang more interactive items by moving my Daily 5 posters to another bulletin board in the room ~ I now have space to hang math things over the hundred chart.  There is a little space for a skill activity by the calendar ~ the snowman is a word family activity.  See a close-up picture of it HERE.  Even it its former state my focus wall met the requirements for posting weekly learning objectives.  (Click HERE to purchase my Focus Wall  Skills Headers.)  I am happy with the new arrangement because I feel it really puts the focus on the skills we are learning each week.


  1. This is wonderful! It's thorough and I think the kids like knowing what's coming up for the week. I also think parents like seeing what's begin taught so that they can enrich at home. Nice post. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I also like the fact that having learning materials readily available gives me some "instant filler." You know, for those times when you have just a few minutes to fill & don't want to start something big. I can always have the kids read sight words, etc. in the few minutes before lunch...
      Thanks for visiting!
