
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Watching the Grass Grow

What is more fun than watching paint dry?  Why, watching the grass grow, of course!  Actually, watching the grass grow has been pretty fun.  My Kinders have been busy this week and last working on our project for the Science Fair.  The primary grades do a grade level project, and my teaching partners & I wanted something simple.  And, what can be simpler than watching the grass grow?

 We only have to submit one display for the Science Fair.  I created this board using my new Watching the Grass Grow product.  I didn't get home until after 5:00 tonight, but I think it turned out pretty cute!  In addition to our display, we will set out a set of cups & the kiddos' booklets.  I think our display will be the hit of the show!

 Using the pages in my new set, we made our hypotheses, recorded our observations, and (will tomorrow)  write our conclusions.  My little cuties really enjoyed being junior scientists!  They were thrilled each day to come in and check out the cups of grass/seeds.  Click HERE to purchase.

 I can't claim the cute cups 'o grass as my own idea, but I can claim how they were made.  We are hoping to reuse this display board next year (it will be a new set of kids...), so we didn't want to hot glue the cups onto it.  I traced the shape of the half cup and taped on bent paper clips which act as holders.  To keep the yarn "dirt" from squiggling out of the cup, I taped a piece of brown paper onto the back.  (If you do this - put the tape onto the paper & make tiny clips into the tape sticking off the edge of the paper.  This will allow the tape to fit onto the cup ~ the little tape tabs will overlap slightly on the side of the cup ~ and the tape will be smoother & less noticeable.  If you sew, you will know just what I mean, if you don't & aren't sure, find someone who sews and ask them what I'm talking about.  :-)  I wish I had taken a picture of this step.)  Plant some green pipe cleaners, and PRESTO!  You have a pot of grass!

 The little cutie on the left got a little mixed up with think/thing, but I do like how she spelled definitely! 

I love the progression of how this Kinder wrote his observations.  He really added some great details!

The Science Fair is this Friday, so we will have to do one more observation & write our conclusions tomorrow.  We also will have to look at the "no water"grass of our neighboring class because it grew!  I guess the potting soil must have had enough moisture for it to sprout!  Who knew...

And, once we submit our display, my Kinders want to rescue the poor weak, yellow grass from the cabinet.  They want to put it by the window so that it will turn green.  Boy, do I love those kids!


  1. Hi, I've been looking for a science experiment for my Kinders to do in this next week as we just barely got notice that we are having our Open House at the end of the month. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I was wondering how long it took the grass to grow. Btw, your board is so cute especially the cup of grass! :)

  2. Hi, I've been looking for a science experiment for my Kinders to do in this next week as we just barely got notice that we are having our Open House at the end of the month. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I was wondering how long it took the grass to grow. Btw, your board is so cute especially the cup of grass! :)

  3. Hi,

    You should have grass sprouting in a few days, especially if you use fresh soil. We used soil that was left over fro last year & it had dried out. I had to keep it watered well. We did our entire project in less than two weeks.

    I hope this project works out well for you!

