
Friday, June 6, 2014

It's June & School's Out!

Today was the last day of school!  We had a very nice Kindergarten End of Year Celebration this morning complete with a wonderful slide show of our cuties posing in front of a simple gray background with the words "When I grow up I want to be..."  Each child was photographed holding a chalkboard with their future goal.  Their responses ranged from teacher, doctor, and ballerina to farmer, fireman, volunteer, and front desk clerk.  The accompanying song, Child of Mine by Carole King didn't leave a dry eye in the crowd. 

After the program the students went back to our classrooms to gather belongings.  The parents were dismissed to the classrooms a few minutes later.  I think that the sob fest that greeted my parents was a bit of a surprise.  I'm sure that they were expecting to see a room full of peppy soon-to-be-firsties.  But, we were all crying!  Three of my little boys were crying inconsolably.  I had kids clinging to me, kids sitting and quietly crying, and several wiping their eyes.  Of course, the more they cried, the more I cried, and the more they cried...  It was so difficult for us to say goodbye!   I love summer vacation, but I love those kids!  I am really going to miss seeing their sweet faces every day.

And with that, I have my Five for Friday...

Field trip.  We decided to take a hike in the woods this week.  Our trip to Taltree Arboretum was so much fun.  We had perfect weather & the kids were so well behaved!  

On the final day of the year high school students drive tractors to school!  I love the big red tractor complete with planter!

End of the year teacher gifts.

 The ingredients to make Peach Bellinis (no champagne)!
 Blueberries!  Once when talking about fruit I mentioned that my favorite fruit was blueberries.  Harper remembered this fact, and gave me some!
 Plants, popcorn, and a chocolate muffin!
Time for a little bragging ~ my four year old granddaughter, Isabella, recently drew this picture of Sally for The Nightmare Before Christmas.  She wanted to write "Sally," so I told her to write the sounds you hear.  I think she did pretty well!

This was such a busy week, I didn't have time for any more pictures.  So ~ here is my #5: a picture from 2004 of my beautiful daughters.

Have a great summer!

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