
Friday, July 18, 2014

Five for Friday!

It's Friday again & time for another Five for Friday!  This week just flew by (like all of the weeks have done this summer...).  It has been unseasonably cool this week ~ a little bit like fall.  boo!  This has been an unusual year weather-wise ~ with e Polar Vortex & the cool summer temps.  The fair started yesterday, and as a former fair mom, I know that cooler weather is actually nice for fair week.  I remember summers spent melting in the horse barn.  Actually, while I didn't like the humid weather, I did love time spent with my girls at the fair.  4-H was an important part of our life.  In fact, I still am involved with 4-H as a project superintendent.  I am excited for the day when my darling granddaughters are old enough to be 4-Hers.  

1. First day at the fair!  Isabella & Olivia love their little cousin Amelia.

 Ride swap! 
Olivia had fun riding in Amelia's stroller & Amelia had fun riding in the wagon with Isabella. 
 I have never seen a big bag of cotton candy disappear as quickly as the one we ate yesterday did!  Isabella & Olivia are fans of the sweet treat.  Amelia wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

 My granddaughters & their mommies.  We watched a high diving act warm up. 
It was pretty exciting ~ I can't wait to see the whole show!
2.  I have spent lots of time with my little darlings!

 Olivia really likes ice cream drumsticks.  Isabella had fun playing with her mom's old
Polly Pockets.  I took this selfie one day while holding a snoozing Amelia. 
Isabella loves to color.  Olivia gives her dolly a kiss. 
Amelia's new favorite activity ~ standing & walking!
3. Serious pain in the...toe!  I will never claim to be graceful or light on my feet.  I walked into the corner between the dining room & kitchen.  Everyone in the dining room heard the crack.  :-(  My toe is definitely broken (but, I did manage to hobble around the fair).  Luckily, I have my little pup to keep me company.  Macie loves to hang out with me in the sunroom or on the porch.

4.  Rainbow!  This was not only a full arc, but a double rainbow.  I took the pictures with my phone, so the double part doesn't show up.  It was really beautiful!

5. Covered Altoids box.  I was in our local Halmark store & saw some cute covered metal tins.  They had a tiny note pad & a little pen inside of them, and cost about $12!  I was able to make a replica for a fraction of the cost.  (And, I do think mine is better ~ I wrapped the paper around the top edge so it won't lift off & lined my box!)  I'm not really sure what I will do with it, but it was fun to put together.

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