
Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Schedule

Better late than never...  Right?  A reader recently asked if I had ever posted my daily schedule.  Well, I have certainly thought about it, but never got around to doing it.  So, here is my schedule for the next 27 days.

Our corporation is made up of three formerly separate K-12 schools.  Being small, we only have one set of buses per school, so everyone begins and ends their day at the same time.  Our elementary day is long, so we get two 20 minute recesses and two 30 minute specials daily.  This matrix is something I made using Word (this is actually a screen shot - I'm not sure why it's blue) and I fill out one for each day.  At the end of the day I pull out my lesson plan book and transfer everything into the appropriate spaces.  Doing this helps me to keep organized, and reminds me to get out needed materials before going home so I'm ready for the next day.  (This is also helpful in the event of an unplanned illness - sub plans are ready to go!)

 Students are held on the buses until all nine of them arrive so they all get to the classroom within an approximately five minute time frame.  I like this better than having the kids trickle in over a longer period in the morning.  My Kinders are pros at their morning routine - unpacking their backpacks, and getting started on their morning work, etc.  After the pledge, moment of silence, and attendance, we begin our day with a story.  This book is just for fun!  A few years ago I was lucky enough to get to see Lester Laminack at a workshop, and he made the comment that he wished every school day began with a story.  I loved that idea, and have begun my day with a story for the past several years.  

Our day continues to "Focus Wall" & "Calendar."  These are pretty much what they sound like - We review skills on the focus wall and do calendar math skills.  We also read and respond to the morning message (usually taken from our reading series).  The leader gets the first try at reading it, using as many practiced strategies as needed.  These days the leader can rea most - if not all - of the message without needed to us the strategy of "phoning a friend!"  The messages are usually questions that all 18 of the kiddos answer (in complete sentences).  Also included in this time are some exercises and a song or two.

This year my Literacy block was split into two by recess.  It actually worked out - twenty minutes outside or in the gym (luckily indoor recess is not in our classrooms!) is just enough of a break to keep them from getting burned out on literacy.  After recess, we do Literacy Stations, and then Skill Spots & small group lessons.  Because we've been trying out The Daily 5, we do a little read to self during that time after stations.  Specials & lunch rounds out our morning. 

After lunch we have "Developmental Centers" a time when they get to play in various areas of the room.  I frequently pull a small group to my table during this time.  Next comes Math, Skill Tubs, Writer's Workshop, recess, and our final special.  Whew!  It's a long day, but we do get a lot done! 


  1. Thank you for sharing your schedule. I was wondering what the difference is between the "skill spots" time and "skill tubs" time?

    1. Hi, Skills spots are areas around the room (computers, focus wall, big books, etc.) where the kids can work with partners. Skill spot time is a little less structured that skill tub time. Skill tubs are tubs with a variety of activities that are done with partners. Click on the labels to the left to navigate to posts about each. Thanks for stopping by again!
