
Friday, May 3, 2013


I'm linking up with the fabulous Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade for another fun Currently. 

 I took a personal day today!  My first this year (we get three, but I doubt I'll take the other two - they usually roll over into sick days).  First, I didn't get up at 5:30, then I ate a leisurely breakfast (two cups o' coffee and two newspaper puzzles!)   Then, after showering, I began some spring cleaning.  We are hosting daughter Emily's baby shower Sunday, and I wanted my house to be spic & span for the event.  Now, you may be thinking that my house must be a real pit because I took the day off.  Well, it really wasn't, it's just that I have a lot of food prep to do tomorrow, so I wanted to get the dirty work out of the way today.  

I do have to find some time tomorrow to run to school to get my books!  I'm very happy that I live four minutes from school, so it won't be a big deal.  (I just have to restrain myself from putzing around in my classroom when I go in.)

In addition to spending time with my little darlings this summer, I want to learn how to make clip art.  One can learn almost anything from the internet, so I figure with a little research I can discover the secret to making clip art!  (If you know how to do it, and are willing to share the how-tos, please leave a comment.)


  1. Congrats on the newest addition to your family! Don't know how to make clip art, but like you can learn almost anything on the internet these days!

    A Primary Owl

    1. Thank you! We are really excited for little Amelia to join our family! Stay posted - I'll be sure to post about making clip art (if I figure it out that is!) Thanks for visiting!

  2. My dad and I were just watching "D,D, & D" tonight. I usually don't like it but he had Matthew McConaughey on the show and that upped the value big time!
    Congrats on your third granddaughter! My favorite time is spending summers with my nieces and nephews at Grandma's pool.

    1. My husband really likes that show, so it's on pretty often. We are really excited for our new little girl. Everyone says grandchildren are the best - I agree! Thanks for visiting!

  3. I hope that the baby shower goes well! Congratulations on your granddaughter!
    One Happy Teacher

    1. Thanks! My daughter is really excited for her special day. It's so cute how excited she is to have a baby. Thanks for visiting!
