
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Budding Blog Linky

As a shameless plea for more followers, er as a  fun way to meet new bloggers, I am linking up with I {Heart} Recess for this meet-up linky.  Once I publish this post, I plan to visit *and follow* some new blogs! 

Here are the "Get to Know Me" questions:

Grab my button! photo cbce13bf-5268-410e-b507-67a54af4996b.jpg

1. Why did you start blogging?

My friend and fellow teacher, Kim C., and I were talking one day about all the amazing blogs we had found.  She encouraged me to start one of my own.  At first, I was a little embarrassed to admit to my colleagues that I had a blog.  But, now I tell everyone about it!  It has been a fun way to share ideas, and has helped me to really be more creative in some of my planning - "Is this activity blog-worthy?"  I hope to team up with fellow bloggers for giveaways, guest blogging, etc. someday.  (If you would like to team up in any way, please email me:
2. What is your favorite subject to teach and why?

Hmm. That's a toughy.  I love, love, love reading to my Kinders, so I guess Literacy is one of my faves.  It is so exciting to see my little cuties go from knowing some (or in some cases none) of the letters to being able to read books.  Our school had a year-long reading program linked to Heifer International this year.  For every book read students earned a "dollar" to purchase animals.  Once my kids realized that we wouldn't actually be getting the animals, and that their own rabbits, goats, etc. weren't going to be given away, they really embraced this program with excitement!  I frequently had a line of kids with books in hand waiting for their turn to read to me!  Even my lowest kiddos practice reading little books so they could be a part of the excitement.  Check out this link to see the awesome video our PTO made promoting a day of giving.

3. Describe your teaching style.

I like to actively engage my students as much as possible.  We sing, we dance, we move!  Whenever appropriate my Kinders work in pairs or small groups.  I like to have everyone actively participating, and have found that the energy spent training youngsters to work in pairs or small groups pays off in spades.  Click here to go to some posts about partner/small group work.

4. Give three interesting facts about you.

This is a toughy... I can talk all day about my class and what we do, but when faced with a question such as this, I'm suddenly tongue tied!  Well, here are some facts about me - you can decide if they are interesting or not!  :-)  1. I was a 4-Her as a child, and am still involved in 4-H as a project superintendent (the Decorations & Consumer Clothing projects)  2. I am from a BIG family - I am the fifth of seven children.  I have three daughters, two granddaughters (another granddaughter due in July), 13 nieces and nephews, and 17 great nieces and nephews.  (A close friend of mine is an only child and is married to an only child.  Her family get-togethers are sedate compared to mine!  I really don't know how it feels to be alone.)  3.I am a certified shopaholic.  I love clothes, shoes, and accessories!  I have a closet bursting with cute clothes, but would N-E-V-E-R pass on a trip to the outlet mall!  (Banana Republic Factory, Loft Outlet, J Crew Factory - here I come!)

5. Do you have a TpT store? If yes, post the link :)

Yes, I have a TpT store.  Please visit (and follow) me at Kinder Doodles.  Many of my products are only $2.00!