By now I think most teachers are on summer break ~ I've been out since June 5th. That was actually a little later than was originally scheduled. (Blame it on the snow...) So, whether you are just beginning your summer break, or have been out for a while, you probably have an overflowing Bucket List of things you want to do. I know I do! Here is a sampling of some of my Bucket List items.
I have the best family in the world! Summer is gives us the chance to spend more time together. The picture on the right shows Hubby with his girls (daughters & granddaughters) on Father's Day.
Nothing is better than granddaughters! I have so much fun with these little girls. (They LOVE to help Papa in the barn.)
The rain has kept us away from the beach so far this year, so I had to go online to get these shots of the Dunes. Who would have thought that Northwest Indiana has white sandy beaches?
I just finished Julie & Julia today, and need to decide what to read next.
Nearly the entire teaching staff from my school got to attend the Smekens Literacy Retreat in Middlebury, IN (Amish country). It was a combination of exciting learning and relaxing & shopping. My brain was a little bit on over-load when we left ~ so many great ideas! I'll grab a glass of lemonade and sit on my front porch to review the materials & read the book I purchased.
Now it's YOUR TURN! Tell me what's on your Bucket List for a chance to win my August/September Morning Work set! I'll pick a winner using next week.
Now it's YOUR TURN! Tell me what's on your Bucket List for a chance to win my August/September Morning Work set! I'll pick a winner using next week.