Classroom Tour 2013 - 2014
~plus some linkies
It took a while, but my classroom is done! Er, well, about 95% done. At least it's done enough for these link ups! I have spent hours here and there ever since Amelia (granddaughter #3) was born in late July. I toyed with the idea of setting it up early (like her other grandma did - Amelia has two teacher grandmas, a teacher daddy, and a teacher aunt. Lots of educators in that little kid's life!). But, anyway, I didn't set it up early. I declared that I wouldn't come home today until it was finished. Like I said, it's mostly done. I have a few more cute-ifiers to hang up, and some stuff that I just put into our Kinder workroom to deal with.
I hope no one minds, but I am going to use this post for two linkies. They both feature classroom tours, and I figure no one really wants to read the same post twice, so here it goes!

Classroom Tour 2012 - 2013
~plus some linkies
It took a while, but my classroom is done! Er, well, about 95% done. At least it's done enough for these link ups! I have spent hours here and there ever since Amelia (granddaughter #3) was born in late July. I toyed with the idea of setting it up early (like her other grandma did - Amelia has two teacher grandmas, a teacher daddy, and a teacher aunt. Lots of educators in that little kid's life!). But, anyway, I didn't set it up early. I declared that I wouldn't come home today until it was finished. Like I said, it's mostly done. I have a few more cute-ifiers to hang up, and some stuff that I just put into our Kinder workroom to deal with.
I hope no one minds, but I am going to use this post for two linkies. They both feature classroom tours, and I figure no one really wants to read the same post twice, so here it goes!

View from the door.
Center/Word Work Station. Many of the areas do double duty. The bins
hold math materials, and the white tub will hold Word Work activities.
counter behind my half circle table. I really, really, really plan to
keep it organized this year. Don't the birds and branches look cute?
Wall. I changed out the yarn with ribbon to pretty it up a bit. I
also have a new calendar - it's Poppin' Patterns and coordinates with my
flower border. The cloth on the shelves is something I've had for
years & it looks great with Poppin' Patterns! A new lamp and a new 31 mini utility bin complete the cute new look.
Close up of my new & improved Focus Wall
favorite table. I really love this for working with students. The
bulletin board behind the table will hold anchor charts. (The charts
will help to cover the "ghost" of the tree that hung there for three
years.) I got rid of the big metal tub in the magnet area ~ now the
sight word fish swim in dollar buckets from Michaels.
I used chevron scrapbook paper to dress up my storage drawers.
colorful library. I moved the library to the center of the room last
spring when we got our rolling book rack. I really like books to be the
centerpiece of the room. The shelf in the foreground will hold morning
work in the red basket in a few weeks. (I don't introduce morning work
right away.)
This new cabinet will hold Daily 5 materials. (PS I am getting replacement tubs ~ the top ones aren't supposed to be orange.)
The view from behind the library.
across my new rug. I love the bright colors! I'll have eighteen
students again, so I have four student tables. It's a bit crowded, but
it works. I put the shelves that hold their folders & books against
the wall under the white board, which should help with congestion.
Another view across the room.
bins and my desk. The table in front of my desk will be an independent
listening station. (I still have a few personal CD players, but they
are getting more and more difficult to come by.)
My desk ~ so nice and neat. Can it stay that way? Oh, look ~ what a colorful lesson plan binder! Want one? It will be on sale this weekend. Another 31 product will hopefully keep me organized this year. (Check out the darling background on my computer!)
Let's see if this fold & file keeps my desk tidy this year!
new Literacy Center/Writing Station is now home to the tree that left
it's ghost behind my small group table. :-) Crates on their sides make
great storage for writing binders.
at the new Pocket Chart Skill Spot, and new rectangular table where
Mrs. S. will work with small students during Stations.
Pocket Chart Skill Spot.
Mrs. S's new table backs up to the D5 storage unit.
new Word Wall with 100 words. I like to put all the words up at the
beginning of the year so that the kids are exposed to them daily. And,
those Kinders who can read them may help others to learn to read them as
well. I moved this little white table here for a new skill spot. Not
sure what yet, but it will be something!
Listening Station and Kinder Garden board. The flowers will hold pictures of the kids' cute smiling faces.
Dramatic Play Center
Manipulative Center
The view from the back corner. (The drawing on the white board was done by my three year old granddaughter, Isabella!)
that completes the tour. Like I said, I have a few odds & ends to
finish, but I am pretty happy with my "home away from home" so far!
Check out the two linkies to see some more classroom decor inspirations!
Classroom Tour 2012 - 2013
Here is a peek at my classroom this year. I tweeked the room arrangement a little and added some new decor. I think that it turned out really cute!
For a cute welcome display, I covered a box with wrapping paper and hung it on some 3M hooks against a purple gift wrap background. Some border scraps, a cheery flower and some "daisies" taped to bamboo skewers & stuck into florist foam complete the happy scene. It makes me smile every time I enter my classroom!
For a cute welcome display, I covered a box with wrapping paper and hung it on some 3M hooks against a purple gift wrap background. Some border scraps, a cheery flower and some "daisies" taped to bamboo skewers & stuck into florist foam complete the happy scene. It makes me smile every time I enter my classroom!
View from the door: On the left a new table for our
Listening Station. I use the "mailbox" unit for storing papers and
upcoming worksheets.
Another view from the door at our Math Center (I switched tables with the Listening Station).Looking over the Math Center to our whole group carpet area, "focus wall," Magnet Skill Spot, and my small group table (the bins were set out to collect supplies during the open house).
Math Center
Dramatic Play Center
Manipulative Center (formerly part of the Discovery Center - which I do really hope to add someday when I have funds to purchase more hands on science stuff).
Library - Literacy Center
Our classroom library has a groovy new peace sign rug I found at Target.
Block & Sand Center (last year these were separate centers, but our custodian didn't like the mess the sand table made on the carpet, so I moved it over here). This is also our Cubby area and a major storage area for me.
Computers - same set up.
Ditto for our Magnet Skill Spot.
Big Book Skill Spot. I moved these out of the Library - they are up against the back of the wire shelves by the Math Center. The kids always brought them over to the large carpet area, so I figured I'd move them here.
The front of the shelves pictured above. The bins contain Literacy activities for partner and individual practice. My Skill Totes hang from the end on a large book ring.
Popcorn Skill Spot - same as last year.
"Cart Table Skill Spot" (I really need to come up with a better name!) Same area as last year - just reversed.
Desk Skill Spot (another highly creative name!) I was able to scrounge up an old kindergarten desk for another work area. The shelves next to it hold our Skill Tubs which are in a different area of the room from last year.
Pocket Chart Skill Spot
Newly created Writing Station/Skill Spot. Before, this table did double duty - now it is dedicated to writing (along with the book shelf to the right). Hanging on the pegboard backing to the Manipulative Center are Word Rings I made from paint samples. I want to make more with small photos of the kids and their names.
Learning Boards Skill Spot - flannel board and interactive math bulletin board.
Listening Station - same place, new table. I am very excited - I was able to order a new jack and headphone set! Hopefully everyone will be able to hear the stories. :)
My desk area - so nice and tidy (for now...).
View from my desk.
Another view from my desk - my students sit at tables. This year I added shelves and tubs to collect their folders, journals, math books, etc. I got really tired of having to pass out and collect everything every time we needed to use it. The shelves do make the space a bit crowded, but I hope that this system will work. Everyday someone at each table will get to be the Table Captain & pass out materials. We'll see how it goes.
Another view from my desk.
Looking across the room from the back.
Literacy Station (part of the Library - Literacy Center), student tables, my desk, and interactive white board.
Another view from the back.
Our hallway bulletin board.
2011 - 2012 Classroom
I love to look at pictures of other teachers' classrooms. I like to see how they arrange student seating, learning centers, etc. (Is it any wonder that one of my favorite HGTV shows is House Hunters?) Here are some pictures of my classroom. I hope you enjoy them! View from the door. The bins are part of our Math Center.
View or our Meeting Area as seen from the doorway.
I purchased these carpet samples from Menards. What a great investment these turned out to be! My Kinders are better able to listen and learn in their very own spot.
My teaching easel and bulletin board. A lot of learning takes place here! I love pocket charts! The three small ones on the top left are used to organize student partners and small groups.
This is our January "Clothesline." On it hang the letter and picture cards for our current unit. Written on the mittens are sight words, decodable CVC words, and seasonal words. The papers on the bottom line are the I-Charts for expected behaviors during various parts of our day. (This idea was adapted from The Daily 5.)
February Clothesline
My students sit at tables. I like the flexibility of tables. The purple bins hold shared crayons and the little white baskets hold pencils, pink erasers, scissors, and glue sticks.
Library Center. The white baskets hold leveled books, the laundry basket in the lower left corner holds big books, and barely visible on the right are tubs of picture books.
Sand Center
Building Center (also our cubby area)
Dramatic Play Center
Math Center
Popcorn Words Skill Spot. This bulletin board has our sight words from the reading series written on shaped paper. I found the little popcorn tubs at Target's Dollar Spot and filled them with popcorn shapes I cut from white craft foam. Each has a sight word on it. My students enjoy reading and matching the popcorn kernals! The classy table (a 1970's relic from my parents' basement) has a little door that opens to reveal more sight word activities.
Independent Listening Skill Spot
Computer Skill Spot
iscovery Center. Right now this houses things like Legos, puzzles, and a few science tools. I hope to someday make this more of a Science Center.
Another view of the Discovery Center
Skill Tubs that contain activities for independent and partner skills practice.
Magnet Skill Spot
The very creatively named "Cart Skill Spot"
My Small Group table. I love this table. The shape lends itself nicely to working with small groups of students. Behind it are cabinets that hold my Math (the two directly behind), and my Literacy materials.
Our Behavior Stop Light. As you may guess, students start the day on green, moving their stick as needed. Students on green at the end of the day earn a sticker for their 10 frame. When their 10 frame is filled, they get to pick out of the Goodie Box! Behavior management and math practice in one! :)
I love so many things about your room. I like the clothesline letters. What a great way to display the cards. Mine are always leaning over in the pocket chart. This would alleviate that problem.
ReplyDeleteI used to use a pocket chart, too. The clothesline keeps the cards in position so everyone can see them. The shaped cards are actually pages from a notepad that have sight words, word family words, and seasonal words written on them. I laminate them and put them into skill tubs when I take them down. The kids often get them out when they write. Thanks for visiting!
DeleteYou have a great room! I love the space that you have. I would love to have the cabinets that you have at your small group area. That would be a God send. :)
ReplyDeleteMrs. Janelle
I really like my room, too. The primary hall is a recent addition, and they paid attention to our plea for storage. In addition to the cabinets shown here, I share a good sized workroom with my neighboring kinder teacher. The third kindergarten room has its own workroom. Click on the organization label to see my half of the space.
I love your giant room and all of the skill centers. I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm your newest follower.
Thank you! I do feel lucky to have such a nice classroom. Thanks for following!
ReplyDeleteWow! You have a lot of space! I love the math bins. I am waiting on funds to come in to urchase more of my own and I like how colorful yours are! The Daisies are awesome! :0) Cara
DeleteThanks for visiting! I "inherited" the math bins. They hold the manipulatives that the kids use independently. It is really nice to have this unit for storage. I had fun decorating my room with the daisies and other flowery accents.
Thank you for sharing the photos of your classroom. I was able to get some great ideas that I am going to use in my room. I noticed that you use the same reading series that my school does. I was wondering if you ever posted your daily schedule? I am always curious to see how other teachers plan their day! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Joanna,
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting! No, I haven't ever posted my schedule, and have always thought that I should. I, too, like to see how others plan their days. That being said, I think I will do a post about my schedule - better late than never - right?!
I love your little flower box. I want to make some of those to put in my window. Thanks for the inspiration! I love looking at kinder classrooms!