Friday, July 18, 2014

Five for Friday!

It's Friday again & time for another Five for Friday!  This week just flew by (like all of the weeks have done this summer...).  It has been unseasonably cool this week ~ a little bit like fall.  boo!  This has been an unusual year weather-wise ~ with e Polar Vortex & the cool summer temps.  The fair started yesterday, and as a former fair mom, I know that cooler weather is actually nice for fair week.  I remember summers spent melting in the horse barn.  Actually, while I didn't like the humid weather, I did love time spent with my girls at the fair.  4-H was an important part of our life.  In fact, I still am involved with 4-H as a project superintendent.  I am excited for the day when my darling granddaughters are old enough to be 4-Hers.  

1. First day at the fair!  Isabella & Olivia love their little cousin Amelia.

 Ride swap! 
Olivia had fun riding in Amelia's stroller & Amelia had fun riding in the wagon with Isabella. 
 I have never seen a big bag of cotton candy disappear as quickly as the one we ate yesterday did!  Isabella & Olivia are fans of the sweet treat.  Amelia wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

 My granddaughters & their mommies.  We watched a high diving act warm up. 
It was pretty exciting ~ I can't wait to see the whole show!
2.  I have spent lots of time with my little darlings!

 Olivia really likes ice cream drumsticks.  Isabella had fun playing with her mom's old
Polly Pockets.  I took this selfie one day while holding a snoozing Amelia. 
Isabella loves to color.  Olivia gives her dolly a kiss. 
Amelia's new favorite activity ~ standing & walking!
3. Serious pain in the...toe!  I will never claim to be graceful or light on my feet.  I walked into the corner between the dining room & kitchen.  Everyone in the dining room heard the crack.  :-(  My toe is definitely broken (but, I did manage to hobble around the fair).  Luckily, I have my little pup to keep me company.  Macie loves to hang out with me in the sunroom or on the porch.

4.  Rainbow!  This was not only a full arc, but a double rainbow.  I took the pictures with my phone, so the double part doesn't show up.  It was really beautiful!

5. Covered Altoids box.  I was in our local Halmark store & saw some cute covered metal tins.  They had a tiny note pad & a little pen inside of them, and cost about $12!  I was able to make a replica for a fraction of the cost.  (And, I do think mine is better ~ I wrapped the paper around the top edge so it won't lift off & lined my box!)  I'm not really sure what I will do with it, but it was fun to put together.

Have you entered my giveaway?  Click HERE to enter.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Christmas in July $1.00 Sale

Here's the code to add the linky to YOUR blogposts. Remember to link up by midnight tonight....the linky will close then. Also - make sure to use this graphic with the dates. Happy Dollar Sale, everyone!! :D

<!-- start InLinkz script -->
    <div class='InLinkzContainer' id='426430' >
    <a rel='nofollow' href="" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up</a></div>
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Who doesn't like a $1.00 Sale??  (Asks the person who can't walk past the Dollar Spot at Target).  I'm teaming up with some bloggy buddies for a Christmas in July $1.00 Sale! 

Here's what you can get for $1.00 in my store:

  Animal Themed Literacy Activities aligned to the CCSS
Click HERE to purchase.

Animal Themed Number Sense Activities aligned to the CCSS
Click HERE to purchase.
My Piggy Bank ~ learning about US coins
Click HERE to purchase.
We Can Read CVCe Words! literacy activities
Click HERE to purchase

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sweet Summer Giveaway ~ 2014

Last summer I had a great "Sweet Summer Giveaway" complete with wonderful prizes.  Well, thanks to some of  my blogging buddies, I have been able to put together another AWESOME giveaway!  Check out the wonderful products you could win.

Winner's Choice from: Second Grade is Out of This WorldShifting Teacher K-2, and $20 to spend in my TpT Store

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Facebook Fun & Free Hop

I am participating in this great up-coming Facebook Hop!  Start with me ( click HERE) & hop around until you get back to me to be sure you don't miss any of the great freebies!

Image Map Image Map

Five for Friday

Summer is just whizzing by!  I haven't really been busy, but the time is just flying by.  I've read a lot of books, and spent time with my family, and have tried not to think about school (too much!).   I have been so neglectful of my little blog.  It's been so long since I've posted!  But, I am ready (OK, I'm a day late) with my Five for Friday

1.  We started summer with a litter of barn kittens!  This is the first time we've ever had kittens.  Sisters Cinderella & Rapunzel had kittens on the same day.  Cinderella took care of her kittens as well as those of her sister.  (Rapunzel must not be the mothering type.)  We found homes for two kitties, but still have five left.  Do you want one?

2.  I spent the day in St. Joseph, MI with Sarah & her family.  It was a glorious day on the beach!  Lake Michigan isn't as choppy here as it is on the beaches in Indiana, so the little girls were able to have fun in the water.  Isabella is a little fish!  Olivia was a little timid at first, but soon joined her big sister in the lake!

3.  Water fun with Amelia.  We have a wonderful little park in the middle of downtown ~ complete with a splash pad for the kids!  Amelia really liked the little water spouts.

4.  I have managed to get to the outlet mall a few times!

5. I've eaten some really good treats.  The berries have been sooooo good!  Gabrielle made the baby cupcakes (her frosting is to die for!).  Sarah made the pretty fruit topped cake.  Yum!

Now, hop over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to add your own Five things!
Background paper by Lindsey Law.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stay Book Blitz

As a parent there is nothing more gratifying than seeing your children succeed in doing what they love.  This post is part of a Book Blitz hosted by Contagious Reads.  Today they are promoting my daughter's book!  It is amazing to think that my "little Emily" has fans of her writing all around the world.  (She sold over 200 copies of this book yesterday!)  So, with that, I turn over this post to Lori...
“I felt like I was walking to the end of a plank precariously hanging over shark-infested water. When I jumped, sharp teeth would rip into me and the cold water would steal my breath away. The monsters would take everything from me, leaving me shivering and naked in the water. The only difference was that tonight I would be pulled from the icy darkness and forced to do it again. There would be no release from death, only pain.”

Home after her first year of college, Adeline Miller is looking forward to a stress free summer filled with reading, working on her blog, and spending time with friends. But all that changes in an instant when she is witness to something terrible, something she wasn't supposed to see.

Beaten, drugged, kidnapped.

Adeline Miller is ripped from her innocent and carefree life and thrust into darkness, into a world full of pain and horror. As a sex slave, she is forced to do horrible things, and have horrible things done to her. One of her captors has a past as dark as the world she is now living in. Will getting close to him mean freedom? Or will he pull her deeper into the shadows? GOODREADS | AMAZON      

Adeline’s summer TBR list.

Adeline Miller from STAY is a self-proclaimed book nerd. She runs a book blog called Contagious Reads (yes…I named it after the REAL Contagious Reads blog!) Before Adeline is kidnapped and her life is forever changed, her summer plans include relaxing with a good book and getting caught up on her summer To Be Read list.  
So what was Addie looking forward to reading? I stumbled upon her Summer TBR list and picked her top 10. (The list was long…very long!)  
1.)The Killing Woods, Lucy Christopher
2.)Midnight Thief, Livia Blackburne
3.)Dissonance, Erica O’Rourke
4.)A Castle Made of Sand, Daniel Cotton
5.)Little Dead Man, Jake Bible
6.)Mr. Mercedes, Stephen King
7.)The Hunt, C.J. Ellison
8.)Savage Possession, Belinda Boring
9.)City of Heavenly Fire, Cassandra Clare
10.) Dangerous Creatures, Kami Garcia        

About the Author:

Emily Goodwin
Emily is my daughter!  She lives in Northwest Indiana with her husband, baby daughter, and German Shepherd Vader.  She has degrees in psychology and nursing, and works part time in healthcare.  Emily loves animals ~ big & small, and has been an avid equestrian for many years.  She still hops on her Arabian, Mystery, whenever she has a free moment.

a Rafflecopter giveaway Thank you so much for posting with us! Lori
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