I'm sure that you are very familiar with
The Daily 5 for teaching literacy. Last year I began using the framework in my literacy block and was very happy with the results. I used a blended version of the Daily 5 and my traditional literacy stations. (Read about it
HERE.) This year my literacy block consists of mini lessons and 1 - 3 rounds of D5. We have four out of five choices up and running (Read to Someone is currently on the back burner.) My little cuties are pretty good at staying on task and working quietly. I try to meet with at least one group of 2 - 4 students to work on a specific skill each day. Additionally, I meet with individual students for quick checks or individual practice. The Daily 5 is a very good way to give students many opportunities to practice literacy skills.

This past summer I read the second edition of The Daily 5. In addition to updated thoughts on D5 as a literacy tool, it included a chapter on Math Daily 3. The Math Daily 3 are ~ Math on my Own, Math with a Partner, and Math Writing. I was so excited to read this chapter! It gives great ideas on how to incorporate the framework of Literacy D5 into your math block. Our corporation uses a Singapore approach to teaching math, and my Kinder teammates and I use many of the lessons and materials from the
Guiding Kinders math sets by Deanna Jump & Deedee Wills. The Singapore approach to teaching math includes lots of hands-on practice with manipulatives before doing worksheets. Mrs. Jump & Mrs. Wills did a great job creating activities that follow the logical sequence of "I do, We do, You do." My Kinders are really progressing in their understanding of math skills, and are eager for something more. In comes Math Daily 3!
To create a place for math materials, I gathered my baskets from the
free teacher store, dish tubs from Target, and a rainbow drawer unit from Aldi along with an assortment of shelves. It may not be pretty, but it does the job. (I do need to cover that messy refrigerator back ~ I wasn't happy when someone scribbled on it last year...) The Math Baskets are for Math on My Own. The Math Drawers contain worksheets (sometimes materials to use with the worksheets) for Math Writing, and the Math Tubs contain games and other manipulatives for Math with a Partner. We just call them Math Drawers, Baskets, and Tubs.
I guess I didn't take as many pictures of this as I had thought. (And the picture in the upper left corner is actually a Math Basket.) But, you can see from these few pictures that Math Drawers contain pages for the kiddos to practice writing numbers, etc.
Math Baskets contain a variety of materials for practicing skills independently.
Math Tubs contain activities that are meant to be done with a partner. Because there is partner work going on, Math Daily 3 isn't as quiet as Literacy Daily 5.
My Kinders really enjoy using the materials in our Math Daily 3 center. I have found that I don't really need to change out the materials that often ~ I trade out things every 3 weeks or so. Sometimes I simply add more to a tub or basket, leaving older things in a little while longer. (It really depends upon student interest & need.)
If you are interested in using Math Daily 3 activities, you may be interested in my new Candy Corn Measuring (not just for Halloween) set. Click
HERE to purchase. I used the measuring activity with the whole class & put the cards into a Math Drawer for extra practice.