Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Cleaning & a $1.00 Sale

My spring break is coming to a close...  I didn't go anywhere warm or do anything exciting, but I did have a nice week off.  I spent lots of time with my daughters & granddaughters, went to lunch with some friends, and generally did nothing.  The weather was pretty yucky ~ we had snow on more than one day, but I'm not complaining (OK ~ maybe I am complaining about the weather).  While I didn't do any spring cleaning around my house, I am doing a little in my TpT store!  My entire store is at least 20% off until Monday & I am joining my fellow Indiana teachers in a one day one dollar sale.  So, hop over to my store to stock up on some items to use this year & next.

After you have saved at my store, please click on the following links to find more bargains!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring Break At Last!

You would think that the fact that we had so many snow days & two hour delays, I wouldn't be as ready for Spring Break as I am...  But, then, maybe our crazy schedule we've had since Christmas vacation may be precisely the reason!  We had only two full five day weeks of school this quarter!  I am seriously over winter.  I am ready to put away my winter clothes and put on something bright and springy!

But, as this picture I took on the first day of spring, I'm not sure if Mother Nature is going to cooperate!

I snapped this picture of the parking lot outside of my classroom on Thursday.  Really, snow on the first day of spring...  Well, that's Indiana for you!

Before & After ~ I started cleaning & organizing the area behind my desk last week.  It was quite an undertaking to say the least!  I took the picture above mid redo & the one below last Saturday.  I don't usually go into school on weekends, but the mess got so big as I was working I needed some time without kids to finish it.  I think this new configuration will work.  I put the little bookshelf in the empty space next to my computer desk and moved my resource books there to free up the built in shelves so I could move the book bins down.  It is visually less cluttered.  I hope I can keep it neat & tidy!

I recently read this book to my Kinders.  It is a nice little book, but I didn't really think that it would have the impact that it did...

Inspired by Calendar, one of my little cuties decided to write his own story in his journal.  This was done completely on his own over about a week's time.  He wrote his story during Daily 5 and free choice center time.  Once he finished, he wanted to share his story with the class.  As you may guess, his story has inspired others to write their own versions of Calendar

Torn rainbows & pots of gold.


My new clip chart.  Yes, I know I'm late in the clip chart craze...  Most of the other teachers in my school use some sort of behavior chart that uses cards or a stoplight.  I had this chart in my TpT store in the fall, but didn't start using it until recently.  I have a little guy who needed the chance of redemption that this type of clip chart offers.  When he got on red (sometimes within 30 minutes of arrival) he pretty much acted red all day.  I really wanted him to know that he could turn things around with better choices.  I wish I had started this sooner!  Not only is my little "red guy" doing better with his behavior, but my whole group is really trying hard to get on pink.  Those who end the day on pink get to stick a diamond onto their clips!

If you haven't checked out my Trade & Grade post, hop over there now.  It includes a giveaway & links to some great freebies!

And, finally, check out my newest product for spring:

Click HERE to purchase.

Hmm. I think that was more than five things.  Oh, well, I'm still linking up with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Trade & Grade

I am so excited to be a part of this great product Trade and Grade blog hop!  We teachers were paired with other same-grade level teachers to swap products to try out in our classrooms.  In my case, I got to be a part of a trio!  So, I got to try out two great products!

Happily, both of the products I received were Literacy Center activities!  I use a combination of traditional literacy stations & Daily 5 in my literacy block, so I am always looking for fresh ideas for my Kinders.

This first activity is from the Easter Egg Literacy Stations Bundle by Kinder Cakes.  These little girls are working together to sort long and short vowel pictures.  

Because I wanted to present the set as one activity, I glued the eggs onto colored card stock before I laminated them.  Each vowel set is one color ~ my kiddos can easily select one set of eggs from the basket.

This is not the only activity in this cute Easter set!  I plan to print the color words write the room and nonsense word sort to use after spring break!

                                               Easter Egg Literacy Bundle
Click HERE for a freebie sample!
Click HERE to purchase the whole set.

Next up are some CVC word puzzles from KT Teacher Tiff.  I found the little purple baskets at Target's Dollar Spot a while ago ~ they are perfect for holding the puzzles.  (I have one vowel set per basket.)

Because there are five sets (obviously...) I am able to place them on different tables in our Word Work area.  I feel that Kinders can never get too much CVC practice & this set offers a great variety of activities to keep 'em interested!  I will be printing up more puzzles & CVC spelling cards while I'm on spring break.


Click HERE for a freebie sample!
Click HERE to purchase the whole set.

I am so excited to be able to use these fantastic products in my classroom.  They both offer fun and engaging activities to help my Kinders to practice important literacy skills.  Thank you Sarah & Tiffany!  

Do you want some new things for your classroom?  
Enter this giveaway for a chance to win some great prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And, finally ~ hop along to grab some more great freebies!
An InLinkz Link-up

Monday, March 17, 2014

TpT Benefit for the March of Dimes

 I am proud to be a part of this amazing effort!  Please read on...

Over 40 TpT sellers have come together to create bundles to benefit the March of Dimes.  We decided to put these bundles together in honor of Taytum Connor.  "Teachers for Taytum" will donate all of the profits made from the bundles in Taytum’s honor to help support the research of the March of Dimes, March for Babies.  Please check out the bundles that are available below.  There is something for everyone.

Taytum Connor was born at 29 weeks.  Taytum received medications that are available because of research promoted by the March of Dimes.  Taytum's care in the NICU would not be possible without the research and funding March of Dimes has dedicated to preterm babies.  You can read more about Taytum and the Connor family's story here.
There are several different bundles that are available for purchase.  Check out the different options below.  Click on the bundle picture below for purchase.  Each bundle is only $10... an incredible value and an incredible cause!
Thank you for helping the March of Dimes, March for Babies!

These are some awesome bundles at a great price that you just shouldn't pass up... plus the proceeds benefit a great cause in the honor of a sweet little girl!  Here is a sneak peek of what you can get in each of the bundles!

Thank you so much for your support!
Stephany, Stephanie, & Kathi
Primary Possibilities
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