Monday, May 7, 2018

I Appreciate You ~ TpT Gift Card Giveaway!

I know that we teachers don't do what we do for the accolades (or the money), but it is nice to be appreciated once in a while. So, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Today our awesome PTO kicked off the week with an adorable Trail Mix Bar. The table was covered with a textures "bumpy road," complete with grass growing in the cracks & potholes! The bags held things like popcorn, M&Ms, nuts, and pretzels, etc. for us to create our own snack mix.

Pin this! Isn't it seriously cute?? It would be a fun construction themed birthday party tablescape.

The end of our "Road Work" is coming up soon! Out last day is May 25! (Where did the time go??)

I can't wait to see what goodies PTO has planned for the rest of the week! 
Hopefully, you are being spoiled, too! :-)

It may not be a street full of snacks, but I want to give away a $10.00 gift card to one lucky winner. 
Good luck!


  1. Today we got a chair and water bottle to get us started on summer vacation. They have something different for each day of the week. I'm looking forward to Wednesday when they are going to detail our cars.

  2. Our school is celebrating next week, but this week, I have received a sweet coffee mug and a delicious cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts! (I LOVE my coffee!)

  3. We're celebrating next week as well! Looking forward to Nacho Bar for lunch and our annual grilled chicken picnic lunch!

  4. A free break time that principals covered!


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