I love to look at pictures of other teachers' classrooms. I like to see how they arrange student seating, learning centers, etc. (Is it any wonder that one of my favorite HGTV shows is House Hunters?) Here are some pictures of my classroom. I hope you enjoy them!
View from the door. The bins are part of our Math Center.
Another view from the door. The round table is our group Listening Station.
View or our Meeting Area as seen from the doorway.
I purchased these carpet samples from Menards. What a
great investment these turned out to be! My Kinders are better able to
listen and learn in their very own spot.
My teaching easel and bulletin board. A lot of learning
takes place here! I love pocket charts! The three small ones on the
top left are used to organize student partners and small groups.
This is our January "Clothesline." On it hang the letter
and picture cards for our current unit. Written on the mittens are
sight words, decodable CVC words, and seasonal words. The papers on the
bottom line are the I-Charts for expected behaviors during various parts
of our day. (This idea was adapted from The Daily 5.)
February Clothesline
My students sit at tables. I like the flexibility of
tables. The purple bins hold shared crayons and the little white
baskets hold pencils, pink erasers, scissors, and glue sticks.
Library Center. The white baskets hold leveled books,
the laundry basket in the lower left corner holds big books, and barely
visible on the right are tubs of picture books.
Sand Center
Building Center (also our cubby area)
Dramatic Play Center
Math Center
opcorn Words Skill Spot. This bulletin board has our
sight words from the reading series written on shaped paper. I found
the little popcorn tubs at Target's Dollar Spot and filled them with
popcorn shapes I cut from white craft foam. Each has a sight word on
it. My students enjoy reading and matching the popcorn kernals! The
classy table (a 1970's relic from my parents' basement) has a little
door that opens to reveal more sight word activities.
Independent Listening Skill Spot
Computer Skill Spot
Discovery Center. Right now this houses things like
Legos, puzzles, and a few science tools. I hope to someday make this
more of a Science Center.
Another view of the Discovery Center
Skill Tubs that contain activities for independent and partner skills practice.
Magnet Skill Spot
The very creatively named "Cart Skill Spot"
My Small Group table. I love this table. The shape lends itself nicely to working with small groups of students. Behind it are cabinets that hold my Math (the two directly behind), and my Literacy materials. |
Small Group table. I love this table. The shape lends itself nicely
to working with small groups of students. Behind it are cabinets that
hold my Math (the two directly behind), and my Literacy materials.