My Kinders have been working with place value for the past week and a half. They looked a little stunned the first day into this chapter, but now are well on their way to understanding tens and ones. I needed a fun and engaging way to help them to understand composing and decomposing numbers, so I made this cute owl Place Value set (available on Teachers pay Teachers).
I have included mini ten frames and ones for use with my elmo projector (or any document projector). |
My set includes both horizontal and vertical ten frames to fit your pocket chart needs.
The kids had fun acting out counting by tens and changing to ones with this component. The kids are holding trees with either ten or one owl - depending upon which forest they are in. The different forests are divided by Place Value River - this helps them to stop counting by tens & switch to counting by ones. It's so funny - once they finish counting by tens, they pop their fist on their forehead to "put the number in their heads" before jumping over to the river. The sign holders welcomed the Owl Watcher (with TP tube binoculars) by informing her of how she needed to count in their forests. The trees & signs are included in the set. (You'll need to provide the TP tubes! lol)
This is our Math Center this week. The students put towers of ten cubes on the tens side of this page, and foam counters on the ones side. Then they wrote how many of each onto a white board.